In the thrilling Brazilian crime drama series Dom (2021-), viewers delve into the complex world of Victor, a devoted police officer, and his troubled son Pedro. Set against the backdrop of the relentless narcotraffic war, the narrative explores their intertwined lives and the dark choices they make.
Victor has dedicated his career to combating drug trafficking, constantly immersing himself in the dangerous underbelly of Brazil's drug trade. Simultaneously, he battles to rescue his son, Pedro, from the clutches of addiction. However, their paths diverge as Pedro becomes one of the country's most wanted criminals, deepening the father-son rift.
In this gripping tale, Dom keeps audiences at the edge of their seats as they witness the challenging dynamics between Victor and Pedro. Exploring themes of family, loyalty, and morality, the series navigates the fine line between good and evil, showcasing the complexities of human nature.
With its intense and intricate storytelling, Dom offers a realistic portrayal of the drug trade's devastating effects on individuals and society. Blending action, suspense, and heartfelt drama, the series keeps viewers captivated throughout its episodes, shedding light on the human struggle against addiction and the pursuit of justice.
Do not miss out on Dom, a thrilling crime drama that delves deep into the bond between a father and son caught in the clutches of the dangerous drug world.
Also Known As:
DomRelease Date:
04 Jun 2021Writers:
Breno SilveiraAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations