Dolphin Kick (2019) is a heartwarming family adventure film set on a tropical island. The story revolves around a young boy who, while on vacation, forms a special bond with a playful and friendly dolphin. This newfound friendship becomes a source of strength and courage for the boy, helping him overcome his fear of the water following the sudden loss of his mother.
The film highlights the healing power of friendship and the importance of confronting our fears. Through their shared adventures, the boy and the dolphin embark on a journey that not only serves as an emotional escape but also teaches valuable life lessons. As they embark on exciting underwater exploration, the young boy discovers resilience and determination.
Dolphin Kick is a visually stunning film that captures the beauty of the ocean and the diverse marine life inhabiting it. This cinematic masterpiece appeals to audiences of all ages, offering an inspiring and uplifting tale of self-discovery. With breathtaking underwater cinematography and a heartwarming storyline, viewers are sure to be captivated by the mesmerizing world that unfolds on the silver screen.
Don't miss this enchanting family film that explores themes of healing, friendship, and overcoming adversity. Dive into a world of magic and unforgettable moments with Dolphin Kick on your next movie night.
Also Known As:
Dolphin KickRelease Date:
22 Jan 2019Writers:
Philip Marlatt, Travis McCoy, Jordan Pedreira