In the movie Do You See What I See (2024), we follow the story of Mawar, a lonely young woman whose birthday wish for a partner comes true. Despite her initial excitement, Mawar's behavior takes a bizarre turn as she becomes increasingly strange and unpredictable. As her friends in the boarding house start to worry about her well-being, they must come together to uncover the truth behind Mawar's mysterious behavior and the identity of her new partner.
Through a series of twists and turns, Do You See What I See (2024) explores themes of loneliness, desire, and the intricacies of human relationships. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mysteries surrounding Mawar and her newfound companion. With a talented cast and expertly crafted storytelling, this psychological thriller is sure to captivate audiences and leave them questioning the nature of reality and perception. Don't miss out on this gripping and thought-provoking film, available now for streaming.
Also Known As:
Do You See What I SeeRelease Date:
16 May 2024Writers:
Lele Laila, Mizter Popo