Django is a thrilling and action-packed Western series that takes place in the Wild West. The show revolves around Django, a skilled gunslinger, who embarks on a dangerous quest to find his long-lost daughter. Haunted by the brutal murder of his family eight years ago, Django is convinced that his daughter is alive and seeks her out relentlessly.
Set against the backdrop of the lawless and treacherous frontier, Django is determined to confront his past and bring those responsible for his family's tragedy to justice. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, both allies and foes, who test his mettle and challenge his resolve.
The series is driven by Django's relentless pursuit and his unwavering determination, showcasing high-stakes shootouts, intense showdowns, and gripping battles. As Django digs deeper into the dark underbelly of the Wild West, he uncovers shocking secrets and dangerous alliances.
With stunning cinematography, captivating storytelling, and a gripping performance by the lead actor, Django is a riveting and must-watch series for fans of Westerns. It weaves together action, drama, and mystery, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow Django's quest for redemption.
Also Known As:
DjangoRelease Date:
17 Feb 2023Writers:
Leonardo Fasoli, Maddalena Ravagli