Disenchantment (2018–2023) is an engaging animated series that follows the adventures of Princess Tiabeanie, also known as Bean. Unhappy with her impending arranged marriage to Prince Merkimer, Bean's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Luci, a mischievous demon, and Elfo, a cheerful elf.
In their charming and often perilous escapades, Bean, Luci, and Elfo embark on thrilling adventures throughout the medieval kingdom of Dreamland. Along the way, they encounter strange creatures, encounter treacherous foes, and discover dark secrets that threaten the kingdom's harmony.
As Bean's friendship with Luci and Elfo deepens, she finds herself torn between her royal responsibilities and her newfound desire for freedom and excitement. With its unique blend of humor, wit, and adventure, Disenchantment presents a captivating narrative that explores themes of self-discovery, rebellion, and the power of friendship.
Featuring stunning animation and a talented voice cast, including Abbi Jacobson as Bean, Eric Andre as Luci, and Nat Faxon as Elfo, Disenchantment offers a delightful viewing experience for fans of fantasy and comedy alike. With each episode filled with twists, surprises, and engaging storytelling, audiences are sure to be enthralled by the charmingly irreverent world of Dreamland and its unforgettable characters.
Also Known As:
DisenchantmentRelease Date:
17 Aug 2018Writers:
Matt Groening, Josh WeinsteinAwards:
1 nomination