Welcome to Dimitri à Ubuyu (2014), a heartwarming animated film that follows the journey of Dimitri, a brave little bird from Europe who finds himself in the vibrant plains of Ubuyu in Africa. Here, he quickly befriends Makeba the giraffe, Oko the zebra, and Pili the meerkat, each of whom teaches him valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and the beauty of diversity.
As Dimitri explores this new world, he learns to conquer his fears and embrace the unexpected wonders that surround him. Through his adventures with his new friends, he discovers the true essence of being different and how it can be a unique strength that brings people together.
Join Dimitri on an unforgettable adventure filled with laughter, inspiration, and heartwarming moments as he navigates the challenges of the African plains and discovers the power of unity and acceptance. Dimitri à Ubuyu is a delightful film that will captivate audiences of all ages and leave them feeling uplifted and inspired.
Also Known As:
Dimitri à UbuyuRelease Date:
19 Nov 2014Writers:
Matthieu Chevallier, Agnès LecreuxAwards:
1 win