Difficult People is a hilarious comedy series that follows the lives of Julie and Billy, two aspiring comedians in their 30s who are facing the harsh reality of life in New York City. As their peers find success and love, Julie and Billy are left behind, struggling to make it in their careers and navigate through complicated relationships.
Set in the iconic backdrop of New York City, the series takes us on a wild ride as Julie and Billy encounter a series of outrageous and eccentric characters while trying to achieve their dreams. Their bitter outlook on life fuels their edgy and sharp comedy, delivering punchlines that will have you laughing out loud.
Throughout the series, Julie and Billy find themselves in one hilarious and awkward situation after another, from disastrous blind dates to disastrous auditions. Their sarcastic banter and quick wit make them relatable and endearing, as they navigate the ups and downs of the entertainment industry and the challenges of daily life.
Difficult People is a refreshingly honest and darkly comedic portrayal of the struggles faced by ambitious individuals trying to make it in a competitive and unforgiving industry. With its sharp writing and brilliant performances, this series is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. Get ready for a dose of laughter and a glimpse into the difficulties of life as Julie and Billy take on the world, one joke at a time.