Desperate Romantics (2009) is a captivating period drama series set in 19th century London, centered around the rise of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of rebellious young artists. This six-part series brings to life the captivating world of art, passion, and scandal, providing a mesmerizing insight into the eccentric lives of four artists who challenged the status quo and revolutionized the art world.
Led by charismatic painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood seeks to break free from the conventional norms of the Victorian era and create art that is both meaningful and evocative. Alongside Rossetti are his fellow brotherhood members, William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais, as well as their muse and model, Lizzie Siddal.
As the group pushes boundaries and faces opposition from the art establishment, their personal lives become a web of turbulent relationships, unrequited love, and artistic rivalries. Their pursuit of beauty, fame, and passion becomes entangled with their desire for societal recognition and success. Yet, as they navigate the chaos of their individual desires, they must confront the consequences of their choices and the price they pay for their art.
Desperate Romantics takes viewers on a mesmerizing journey through the vibrant and scandalous world of the Pre-Raphaelites. This series is a must-watch for art enthusiasts, history lovers, and anyone seeking a glimpse into the tumultuous lives of these iconic artists who dared to challenge the norms of their time.
Also Known As:
Desperate RomanticsRelease Date:
21 Jul 2009Writers:
Peter Bowker, Franny MoyleAwards:
Nominated for 2 BAFTA Film 4 nominations total