Deserted (2021) follows the story of Swedish photojournalist Ingrid who finds herself kidnapped by a gang of Palestinian men while on assignment along the deserted Sinai coast. Hidden in the unforgiving desert, Ingrid forms a complex relationship with one of her captors, Ali, who shows her a more humane side. However, as Ingrid's bond with Ali grows, tensions rise within the gang, particularly with their leader Moussa, who becomes increasingly violent and unpredictable.
As Ingrid navigates her captivity and her growing feelings for Ali, she must also contend with the escalating danger posed by Moussa. The film explores themes of survival, love, and betrayal in a harsh and lawless environment where trust is a luxury and loyalty is constantly in question.
Deserted (2021) is a gripping tale of a woman's fight for freedom and connection amidst the chaos of a desolate landscape. With stunning cinematography and powerful performances, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
DesertedRelease Date:
25 Mar 2022Writers:
Kadri Kõusaar, Al Wallcat, Leana JalukseAwards:
2 wins