Derry Girls is a highly acclaimed comedy-drama TV series set in the early 1990s during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The show revolves around the trials and tribulations of a witty and spirited 16-year-old girl named Erin, her family, and her close group of friends as they navigate the chaotic political climate of Derry, a divided city.
Set against the backdrop of bombings, protests, and political divisions, Derry Girls offers a unique blend of humor, heart, and coming-of-age moments. Erin, along with her best friends Orla, Clare, and Michelle, constantly find themselves caught up in hilarious and often absurd situations that arise from their youthful curiosity and rebellious nature.
The series also provides insights into the lives of Erin's eccentric family members, including her caring but strict mother, her sarcastic and grumpy grandfather, and her endlessly amusing cousin. Together, they tackle various challenges, from school exams to teenage crushes, all against the chaotic backdrop of the Troubles.
Derry Girls masterfully balances comedy and drama while exploring the themes of friendship, family, and identity. With its clever writing, stellar performances, and an authentic 90s soundtrack, the show has become a beloved hit among viewers and critics alike.
Experience the laughter, tears, and undeniable charm of Derry Girls as it offers a fresh perspective on a tumultuous period in history.
Also Known As:
Derry GirlsRelease Date:
21 Dec 2018Writers:
Lisa McGeeAwards:
Won 3 BAFTA 14 wins & 20 nominations total