Der Bestatter is a thrilling crime drama series that centers around a detective turned undertaker, Luc Conrad. Luc decides to leave the police force and take over the family business as an undertaker. However, his new career is not without its fair share of challenges.
As an undertaker, Luc regularly comes into close contact with corpses, a situation that triggers his earlier police training. He begins seeing things that others miss and finds himself embarking on unofficial investigations of the crimes he encounters. This tendency to look into cases often conflicts with the official police's procedures and can lead to tension between Luc and his former colleagues.
Adding to the complexity of Luc's life, he becomes the subject of a murder investigation himself. The pressure and scrutiny intensify as he must navigate the challenges of running a funeral home while simultaneously proving his innocence.
Der Bestatter is a gripping series that highlights the unique perspective that comes with Luc's dual life as an undertaker and former detective. The show masterfully weaves together elements of mystery, suspense, and drama, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout each episode.
Join Luc Conrad on his thrilling journey as he uncovers the truth behind each death he encounters, all while trying to clear his own name in the midst of a murder investigation. Der Bestatter is a must-watch series for fans of crime dramas and anyone who enjoys a good mystery.