Dejta is a captivating Swedish romantic drama series that follows the journey of Ella, a single mother, as she navigates the exciting and sometimes challenging world of online dating. When Ella decides to venture into the realms of dating apps, she is propelled into a whirlwind of romantic encounters, unexpected adventures, and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Throughout the series, Ella experiences the excitement of meeting new people, the thrill of passionate connections, but also the disappointments and heartbreak that can come with modern dating. As she dives deeper into the dating scene, Ella encounters a diverse range of potential partners, each with their own quirks and complexities.
With its relatable storyline and engaging characters, Dejta offers a compelling exploration of love, relationships, and the quest for happiness in the digital age. Audiences will be captivated by Ella's journey as she discovers not only the ups and downs of dating but also the importance of self-discovery and personal growth.
Filled with moments of romance, adventure, and unexpected twists, Dejta is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys heartfelt stories about love and the complexities of modern relationships. Join Ella as she opens the door to a world of possibility, and find yourself captivated by the joys and challenges that come with the search for true love.
Also Known As:
DejtaRelease Date:
24 Feb 2020Awards:
1 nomination