In the near future, Rhett Murphy and his sister Jean find themselves living in a world governed by a ruthless and oppressive police state. As unrest continues to grow due to the unethical practices of a powerful corporation called Cylis, the siblings stumble upon a disturbing secret that puts their lives in imminent danger.
Fearing for their safety, Rhett and Jean are forced to go on the run, seeking refuge and attempting to expose the dark truth behind Cylis' activities. However, they soon discover that they possess special abilities that make them a valuable target for the corporation's enforcers.
As they navigate through a city in chaos, filled with corruption and violence, Rhett and Jean must rely on their wit, courage, and newfound powers to stay one step ahead of their pursuers. Along the way, they encounter a group of rebels who are determined to overthrow Cylis and restore freedom to the people.
Defective is a thrilling sci-fi action film that delves into themes of corporate corruption, government surveillance, and the importance of family bonds. With its gripping storyline and impressive visual effects, this movie keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, questioning the morality and ethics of a world that values power over humanity. Experience the excitement and intrigue as Rhett and Jean fight for justice in a dystopian future where nothing is as it seems.
Also Known As:
DefectiveRelease Date:
13 Feb 2018Writers:
Reese Eveneshen