Debris (2021–) is a gripping and suspenseful sci-fi series that follows the riveting journeys of two skilled agents as they collaborate to unravel the enigmatic phenomenon surrounding an extraterrestrial spacecraft. In this thrilling adventure, the agents aim to uncover the truth behind the spacecraft's mysteries and the peculiar effects it has on individuals.
Set in a world where debris from an alien craft scatters across the globe, causing inexplicable occurrences, viewers are taken on a captivating narrative full of intrigue and suspense. The agents, one from the CIA and the other from MI6, join forces to investigate these peculiarities and their potential impact on humanity.
As the agents delve deeper into their investigation, they encounter increasingly fascinating and dangerous situations. They must navigate a treacherous landscape where they face powerful forces that seek to harness the spacecraft's abilities for their own gain. In their quest for answers, the agents uncover a web of secrets and uncover the true nature of the debris.
With its masterful storytelling, Debris combines thrilling action with complex characters and philosophical questions about the unknown. This thought-provoking series explores themes of trust, morality, and the implications of encounters with advanced extraterrestrial lifeforms.
Prepare to be captivated as Debris takes you on an incredible journey filled with mind-bending discoveries and pulse-pounding suspense. Discover the truth behind the alien spacecraft and its effects in this mesmerizing sci-fi series.