Death in Paradise is a thrilling detective drama series that follows the exploits of a Detective Inspector transferred from London to the idyllic Caribbean island of Saint-Marie. The protagonist, DI Richard Poole, finds himself amidst a paradise-like setting, but his investigative skills are put to the test as he unravels complex murder cases.
Set in picturesque Saint-Marie, the show offers viewers a perfect escape to a tropical island where murder lurks beneath the surface. Poole, with his unorthodox methods and quintessentially British personality, must navigate the island's unique culture, unpredictable weather, and distinct characters to solve each perplexing crime.
The series is known for its intriguing and intertwined plotlines, as each murder case presents a puzzle that keeps viewers guessing until the very end. DI Poole's dedicated team, consisting of local officers and quirky personalities, adds a touch of humor and camaraderie to the intense investigation process.
Death in Paradise boasts stunning tropical landscapes, vibrant cultural references, and a compelling ensemble cast that includes talented actors like Ben Miller, Kris Marshall, and Ardal O'Hanlon. It seamlessly combines elements of crime, comedy, and Caribbean charm to create a binge-worthy detective drama.
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Death in Paradise and join DI Richard Poole on his quest to uncover the truth behind each mysteriously crafted murder. With its unique blend of stunning scenery and gripping mysteries, this series is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Also Known As:
Death in ParadiseRelease Date:
25 Oct 2011Writers:
Robert ThorogoodAwards:
1 win & 6 nominations