Deadwind, also known as Karppi, is a gripping Finnish crime drama series that revolves around Sofia Karppi, a detective whose life takes a dark turn after she discovers the body of a young woman on a construction site. As she investigates the murder, Sofia is forced to confront her own personal demons and face the turbulent events from her past that have left scars both mentally and emotionally.
Set amidst the backdrop of Helsinki, Deadwind delves into the seedy underbelly of the city, unveiling a complex web of crimes, corruption, and cover-ups. Sofia's relentless pursuit of justice leads her down a treacherous path filled with danger and unexpected twists, as she navigates through a maze of potential suspects, each with their own secrets and motives.
Throughout the series, Sofia's determination and grit are tested as she unravels the truth behind the murder, risking everything she holds dear, including the safety of her family. As she gets closer to the shocking truth, the threat to her own life intensifies, adding an element of high-stakes suspense that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Filled with suspenseful storytelling, compelling characters, and stunning visuals, Deadwind is a must-watch crime thriller that explores the dark side of human nature while keeping audiences guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
DeadwindRelease Date:
23 Aug 2018Writers:
Rike Jokela, Kirsi Porkka, Jari Olavi RantalaAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations