Dead Night (2017) is a thrilling horror film that explores the descent into madness of a devoted mother, Casey Pollack. In this chilling tale, events take a turn for the worse, leading to a series of tragedies and murders that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
The movie presents the story of Casey Pollack from two contrasting perspectives, providing a unique and suspenseful experience for the audience. As the film unfolds, it becomes clear that a single night in the woods becomes the catalyst for absolute terror.
The film expertly combines elements of horror and suspense to create an intense and gripping atmosphere. Be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of suspense as Casey's sanity slowly unravels, leading to devastating consequences.
Dead Night is a captivating and thought-provoking movie that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish. It skillfully blends psychological elements with traditional horror elements to deliver a truly thrilling experience. With an intriguing plot and a talented cast, this film is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts and fans of suspenseful storytelling.
Witness the terrifying journey of Casey Pollack as her world spirals out of control in Dead Night (2017), a movie that will leave you questioning your own sanity.
Also Known As:
Dead NightRelease Date:
05 Dec 2019Writers:
Irving Walker (screenplay by), Irving Walker (story by), Brad Baruh (story by)