DCI Banks is a gripping crime drama series that revolves around the determined and unyielding Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks. Set in the picturesque Yorkshire countryside, this thrilling show follows DCI Banks as he investigates a wide range of unsettling and perplexing murder cases.
Assisted by his capable colleagues, DS Annie Cabbot and DI Helen Morton, DCI Banks tackles each case with tenacity and an unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth. From grisly homicides to perplexing disappearances, the team works tirelessly to solve each mystery, delving deep into the dark and complex world of crime.
Throughout the series, viewers are drawn into a web of intrigue and suspense, as DCI Banks faces personal and professional challenges that test his abilities and resolve. With his keen intuition and sharp investigative skills, he navigates through the darkest corners of human nature, shedding light on the hidden motives and secrets behind each crime.
DCI Banks offers an immersive storytelling experience, with each episode offering a self-contained murder mystery that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The show combines captivating storylines, compelling characters, and breathtaking Yorkshire landscapes to deliver a must-watch crime drama that will leave viewers craving for more.
Also Known As:
DCI BanksRelease Date:
27 Sep 2010