In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), the delicate peace between humans and apes is hanging by a thread. The story picks up ten years after the events of the previous film, in which a lethal virus left the human population devastated. A group of human survivors, led by Malcolm, ventures into ape territory in search of a power source to restore their city's electricity. There, they encounter Caesar, the intelligent leader of the ape community. Although initially wary of each other, both groups attempt to peacefully coexist.
However, tensions arise among the humans and the apes due to misunderstandings and the humans' fear of the apes' growing intelligence and dominance. As trust and alliances break down, the fate of both species hangs in the balance. As the fragile peace teeters on the brink, both tribes find themselves on the verge of a devastating war for control over the Earth.
With stunning visual effects and a powerful exploration of themes such as mistrust, betrayal, and the fragile nature of peace, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes immerses viewers in a thought-provoking and thrilling post-apocalyptic world. As the film builds towards its climactic confrontation, audiences are left on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the outcome of this epic battle for dominance.
Also Known As:
Dawn of the Planet of the ApesRelease Date:
11 Jul 2014Writers:
Mark Bomback, Rick Jaffa, Amanda SilverAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 17 wins & 48 nominations total