Dave Chappelle: Equanimity (2017) is a groundbreaking comedy special that delves into the life of comedian Dave Chappelle. In this humorous and thought-provoking performance, Chappelle explores a range of topics, bravely tackling controversial issues such as growing up in the projects, receiving backlash from the transgender community, and dealing with the impact of fake news.
Chappelle opens up about his own upbringing, revealing that despite popular belief, he did not actually grow up in the projects. He hilariously sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding his childhood and challenges the notion that a person's background necessarily shapes who they become.
Another topic Chappelle fearlessly broaches is the backlash he faced from the transgender community. He candidly discusses the hate he received and explores the complexities surrounding this highly contentious issue. Through his wit and charm, Chappelle offers a unique perspective on the matter, inviting audiences to question their own preconceptions and biases.
Furthermore, Chappelle dives into the influence of fake news in today's society. He humorously dissects its impact and how it can shape public opinion. With his trademark humor, he challenges viewers to question the validity of the information they consume while offering clever insights into the consequences of a media landscape built on fabrication.
In Dave Chappelle: Equanimity, viewers can expect an engaging and thought-provoking comedy special that addresses these sensitive issues with Chappelle's trademark wit and charm.
Also Known As:
Dave Chappelle: EquanimityRelease Date:
31 Dec 2017Writers:
Dave ChappelleAwards:
Won 1 Primetime Emmy. 1 win & 2 nominations total