Dave is a comedy series that revolves around the life of a neurotic and aspiring rapper in his mid-20s. The protagonist firmly believes that he is destined to become one of the greatest rappers in history, and he sets out on a mission to prove his talent to the world. Throughout the series, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles as he navigates through the music industry and tries to make a name for himself. From dealing with his everyday suburban life to encountering people who underestimate his abilities, Dave must overcome various hurdles in his pursuit of success. The show offers a hilarious and lighthearted take on his journey, showcasing his eccentric personality and unyielding determination. With the support of his loyal friends and guidance from his mentor, Dave is determined to prove his doubters wrong and leave his mark in the rap world. Filled with catchy music and witty humor, the series explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams. Dave ultimately seeks to entertain and inspire viewers with his unique and audacious musical journey.
Also Known As:
DaveRelease Date:
04 Mar 2020Writers:
Dave Burd, Jeff SchafferAwards:
1 win & 6 nominations