Date Night (2010) follows the story of a married couple, Claire and Phil Foster, as they embark on a date night in New York City to reignite their spark. However, their mundane evening takes an unexpected turn when they are mistaken for another couple from whom criminals are seeking valuable information. This case of mistaken identity thrusts Claire and Phil into a whirlwind of excitement and danger as they try to navigate their way through the chaotic city streets while evading the criminals hot on their trail. As the night unfolds, the Fosters must rely on their wits and teamwork to survive the perilous situation they have unwittingly found themselves in.
With a mix of humor, action, and romance, Date Night offers a thrilling and heartwarming tale of ordinary people pushed to their limits in extraordinary circumstances. As the Fosters come to realize the true value of their relationship and the importance of keeping the spark alive, audiences are taken on a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns, culminating in a heartwarming and exhilarating climax. Join Claire and Phil Foster on their unforgettable Date Night and experience the unexpected adventures that await them in the city that never sleeps.
Also Known As:
Date NightRelease Date:
09 Apr 2010Writers:
Josh KlausnerAwards:
4 wins & 8 nominations