Dads is a heartwarming documentary film directed by Bryce Dallas Howard, who collaborates with her father, Ron Howard, to explore the modern concept of fatherhood. The film delves into the experiences and insights of famous funny men, including Will Smith, Jimmy Fallon, Neil Patrick Harris, and many others.
Through a series of personal anecdotes and interviews, Dads sheds light on the joys, challenges, and evolution of fatherhood in today's society. The film celebrates the unique bond between fathers and their children, capturing the emotional moments and the transformative impact of fatherhood on these comedians' lives.
Dads is a poignant exploration of the role of fathers, addressing both the universal aspects of fatherhood and the unique challenges faced by men in today's world. It showcases the joys of parenting, the importance of being present in a child's life, and the power of love and support in shaping a child's future.
With its star-studded cast and authentic storytelling, Dads offers an entertaining and thought-provoking journey into contemporary fatherhood. Whether you are a parent or simply appreciate the beauty of family connections, this film offers a meaningful and heartwarming experience that will leave you with a renewed appreciation for the role of fathers in our lives.
Also Known As:
DadsRelease Date:
06 Sep 2019Awards:
1 nomination.