Curon is a captivating Italian supernatural thriller series set in a mysterious village in Northern Italy. The story follows a woman who decides to return to her hometown, triggering a series of eerie events that force her to confront the shadows from her past and protect her teenage children from unknown forces.
As the woman delves deeper into the secrets of the village, she uncovers a dark history and discovers that this place holds a power she never could have imagined. The atmospheric setting adds to the tension as the past resurfaces, and the characters must navigate their way through a web of mysteries and strange occurrences.
The series explores themes of family dynamics, secrets, and the supernatural. It captivates audiences through its unpredictable plot twists and its compelling characters, ensuring that viewers are kept on the edge of their seats.
Curon's beautifully shot scenes and chilling soundtrack enhance the haunting atmosphere of the story. With its mix of drama, suspense, and supernatural elements, the series is a gripping watch for fans of supernatural mysteries and psychological thrillers.
Prepare to be spellbound as Curon uncovers the dark secrets hidden beneath the surface of this mysterious village, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating each new episode.
Also Known As:
CuronRelease Date:
10 Jun 2020Writers:
Ezio Abbate, Ivano Fachin, Giovanni Galassi, Tommaso Matano