In the animated film Cryptozoo directed by Dash Shaw, a group of dedicated cryptozookeepers venture into a world inhabited by mythical creatures, known as cryptids. When they discover the existence of a legendary creature called a Baku, a creature that feasts on dreams, they become determined to capture it. However, as they delve deeper into their mission, they start questioning whether these creatures should be displayed for the world to see or kept hidden, preserving their mystical allure.
The film explores the ethical dilemma faced by the cryptozookeepers as they grapple with the implications of exposing these extraordinary beasts to the public. As they connect with other supernatural beings, including a shy sasquatch and a drug-addicted Minotaur, they begin to understand that these creatures are more than just curiosities to be exploited for profit.
With stunning animation and a thought-provoking narrative, Cryptozoo delves into themes of exploitation, conservation, and the preservation of the unknown. It raises questions about the consequences of human interference and the complex relationship between humans and cryptids.
With an all-star voice cast featuring Lake Bell, Michael Cera, and Zoe Kazan, Cryptozoo is a visually captivating and intellectually stimulating film that will leave audiences pondering the delicate balance between humanity and the mysterious creatures that inhabit our world.
The film explores the ethical dilemma faced by the cryptozookeepers as they grapple with the implications of exposing these extraordinary beasts to the public. As they connect with other supernatural beings, including a shy sasquatch and a drug-addicted Minotaur, they begin to understand that these creatures are more than just curiosities to be exploited for profit.
With stunning animation and a thought-provoking narrative, Cryptozoo delves into themes of exploitation, conservation, and the preservation of the unknown. It raises questions about the consequences of human interference and the complex relationship between humans and cryptids.
With an all-star voice cast featuring Lake Bell, Michael Cera, and Zoe Kazan, Cryptozoo is a visually captivating and intellectually stimulating film that will leave audiences pondering the delicate balance between humanity and the mysterious creatures that inhabit our world.