Crossing Lines (2013) is an exhilarating European crime series that follows a specialized crime unit as they tackle and solve serialized crimes that span across European borders. This thrilling drama takes viewers on a captivating journey as the team of skilled international law enforcement professionals tirelessly work to bring criminals to justice.
Led by the experienced and determined former New York detective, Carl Hickman (played by William Fichtner), the unit comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds with exceptional skills in solving complex cases. Their mission is to detect patterns and piece together evidence from various jurisdictions, working in tandem with local law enforcement agencies to close cases that others deem unsolvable.
Each episode of Crossing Lines presents a suspenseful and intricate crime story, showcasing the team's unwavering dedication to enforcing justice. As they navigate cultural barriers and overcome personal challenges, the unit must rely on their unique skillsets and collective expertise to outsmart the criminals they pursue.
With its stunning European backdrop and multi-dimensional characters, Crossing Lines offers a fresh and enthralling take on the crime genre. This gripping series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, craving more as they follow the team's relentless pursuit of truth and justice.