Crazy About Her is a heartwarming Spanish romantic comedy film that revolves around Adri, a young and charming man who falls head over heels in love with Carla. After spending a magical night together, Adri discovers that Carla resides in a psychiatric institution. Determined to be with her, he voluntarily commits himself to the institution in a bid to win her heart.
As Adri becomes a resident of the psychiatric facility, he meets a group of eccentric and lovable inmates who become his closest friends. With their help, he navigates the challenges and peculiarities of the institution, all while keeping his true motive a secret.
Throughout the film, Adri's love for Carla grows stronger as he realizes the extent of her struggles with mental health. As their bond deepens, he learns the importance of understanding and supporting someone dealing with mental illness.
Crazy About Her is a heartwarming story that explores themes of love, mental health, and the lengths people are willing to go for the ones they care about. With its mix of humor, romance, and heartfelt moments, this film offers an inspiring and uplifting tale that will leave viewers with a newfound appreciation for love and understanding.
Also Known As:
Loco por ella