Crater (2023) is a heartfelt and thrilling coming-of-age adventure that takes place on a lunar mining colony. The story follows a young boy named Wes, who is grieving the recent loss of his father. Determined to create lasting memories before his family is permanently relocated to another planet, Wes embarks on a daring journey with his four closest friends to explore a legendary crater.
As Wes and his friends set out on their mission, they face numerous challenges and encounter unexpected discoveries that test the strength of their friendship. With stunning visuals and an immersive lunar setting, Crater explores themes of loss, friendship, and the courage to embrace new beginnings.
Directed by Shawn Levy, known for his work on Stranger Things, and written by John J. Griffin, Crater promises to captivate audiences of all ages with its heartwarming storyline and thrilling moments. The film offers a unique blend of sci-fi and adventure, as the young protagonists navigate their way through a dangerous lunar landscape.
Crater provides a relatable and emotional narrative, highlighting the importance of cherishing childhood memories while navigating the complexities of growing up. With its engaging storytelling and endearing characters, this film is a must-watch for those seeking an exhilarating escapade filled with friendship, exploration, and self-discovery.
Also Known As:
CraterRelease Date:
12 May 2023Writers:
John Griffin