Cow Belles is a heartwarming family comedy film that follows the story of two wealthy teenage sisters, Taylor and Courtney, played by Alyson Michalka and Amanda Michalka. Accustomed to a life of privilege and leisure, the sisters find themselves in an unexpected situation when their exasperated father forces them to work in the family's struggling dairy business in order to teach them responsibility.
As the girls try to adapt to their new roles, they encounter various challenges and comedic mishaps. However, when a large sum of money goes missing from the company's funds, Taylor and Courtney realize that they must put their differences aside and work together to save the family business from financial ruin.
Filled with humor, heart, and a touch of romance, Cow Belles is a delightful and entertaining film that explores the importance of hard work, family values, and personal growth. The movie showcases the sisters' journey as they learn valuable life lessons, develop a deeper appreciation for their family's legacy, and discover their own capabilities in the process.
With its engaging storyline, likable characters, and inspiring message, Cow Belles is a perfect choice for a family movie night. Join Taylor and Courtney in their charming adventure as they prove that with determination and teamwork, even the most unexpected challenges can be overcome.
Also Known As:
Cow BellesRelease Date:
24 Mar 2006Writers:
Stu Krieger, Matt Dearborn