Corner Gas Animated is a Canadian animated television series that follows the humorous and playful adventures of small-town folks in Dog River. This animated version of the original hit show, Corner Gas, brings back all the beloved characters, including Brent, Hank, Lacey, and Emma, creating a unique blend of comedy and animation.
Set in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada, Corner Gas Animated showcases the quirky residents of Dog River as they navigate through their daily lives and get involved in hilarious situations. The show takes a light-hearted approach to depicting the challenges and idiosyncrasies of small-town living, bringing a generous dose of humor to the screen.
The animated format allows for even more outrageous antics and situations, pushing the boundaries of reality with amusing and often nonsensical scenarios. From breaking the laws of physics to creating wild adventures, the show takes full advantage of its animated platform to deliver an entertaining and exciting viewing experience.
Corner Gas Animated provides an entertaining and light-hearted experience that is sure to keep audiences laughing. With its witty writing, hilarious characters, and clever animation, this show is a must-watch for anyone seeking a fun and entertaining escape into the world of small-town Saskatchewan.
Also Known As:
Corner Gas AnimatedRelease Date:
02 Apr 2018Writers:
Brent Butt, Mark Farrell, David StoreyAwards:
12 wins & 23 nominations