Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life is a hilarious and relatable comedy series that follows the misadventures of Cooper Barrett and his group of friends as they navigate the challenges of adulting. Cooper, along with his roommates and best friends Barry and Neal, finds himself at a crossroads in life and is determined to grow up and find success beyond their hedonistic lifestyle.
The central focus of the show is Cooper's infatuation with his beautiful neighbor Kelly, which leads him to make some questionable decisions and ignore the wisdom and advice of his older brother Josh and sister-in-law Leslie. As Cooper and his friends stumble through various escapades and unpredictable situations, they learn important and sometimes hilarious life lessons along the way.
With its clever writing, sharp wit, and relatable characters, Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life is a lighthearted and entertaining series that explores the joys and challenges of adulthood in a comedic and relatable manner. Viewers will easily connect with the characters and their relatable struggles, making it a perfect choice for those looking for a fun and easy-to-watch comedy. So join Cooper and his friends as they navigate the ups and downs of life, and discover just how unpredictable and entertaining the road to adulthood can be.