Connecting is an ensemble comedy series set during the unprecedented global pandemic. The show revolves around a group of friends who find innovative ways to stay connected amidst the chaos and uncertainty of lockdown. Each episode features the characters navigating their lives through video chats, social media updates, and virtual hangouts.
The show explores both the humorous and heartfelt moments that arise from the unique circumstances the characters find themselves in. From virtual dates and awkward video calls to unexpected encounters with exes, Connecting delves into the challenges and triumphs of maintaining relationships during a time when physical distances have become the norm.
Through its diverse cast of characters, the series tackles various themes, including friendship, love, loneliness, and personal growth. Viewers will witness the characters grappling with the isolation of quarantine, as well as the joys and frustrations of adapting to a new normal. With its humorous and relatable storytelling, Connecting offers a refreshing look at the resilience of human connection in extraordinary times.
Filled with witty banter and relatable moments, Connecting is a timely comedy that reminds us of the importance of staying connected even when circumstances try to keep us apart. Join this group of friends as they navigate the challenges of the pandemic with humor and heart.
Also Known As:
ConnectingRelease Date:
01 Oct 2020