Comrade Detective is a parody comedy series that pays homage to the fictional 1980's Cold War Romanian police show. This action-packed and blood-soaked first season follows Detectives Gregor Anghel and Joseph Baciu as they investigate the murder of their colleague, Nikita Ionescu. In the process, they inadvertently uncover a subversive plot to overthrow their country, driven by the greatest enemy of all: capitalism.
Throughout the season, the two detectives navigate through gritty and dangerous situations, facing off against criminals and corrupt politicians. As they chase leads and interrogate suspects, they promote Communist ideals while highlighting the flaws of capitalism. With their unique blend of humor and action, the detectives fight to protect their country from threats both internal and external.
Comrade Detective takes viewers on a thrilling yet satirical journey, full of exciting twists and turns. The series cleverly combines elements of a buddy cop show with political commentary, creating a distinctive and entertaining viewing experience. With its retro style and gripping storyline, Comrade Detective offers a unique blend of nostalgia and satire that is sure to captivate audiences.