Complications is a gripping and intense thriller that centers around John Ellison, a suburban ER doctor who becomes embroiled in a dangerous situation after saving a young boy's life during a drive-by shooting. This selfless act not only changes John's existence but also challenges his beliefs about medicine and the world around him.
When John discovers that the boy he saved is still in grave danger, he becomes determined to protect him at all costs, even if it means compromising his own safety. As he delves deeper into this dangerous world, John must navigate through a web of mystery and deceit to ensure the boy's survival.
Complications explores the moral and ethical boundaries that healthcare professionals sometimes face. It delves into the complicated nature of life and death decisions and how they can shape a person's perspective on medicine.
With its fast-paced narrative and thrilling sequences, Complications keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the truth and see how far John is willing to go. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that John's life will never be the same again, leaving viewers captivated until the very end.
Complications is a thought-provoking and suspenseful film that offers a unique perspective on medicine and the lengths one person will go to protect what they believe in.