Compliance (2012) is a gripping psychological thriller that unravels a shocking true account of manipulation and abuse. Set in a fast-food restaurant on a typical Friday evening, the seemingly ordinary night takes a dark turn when a police officer arrives, accusing an employee of stealing from a customer. However, as events unfold, it becomes apparent that something far more sinister is at play.
Directed by Craig Zobel, Compliance delves into the depths of human behavior and the power dynamics between authority figures and their subordinates. The film explores how a seemingly innocent request from an authoritative figure can escalate into a disturbing chain of events. As tensions rise, the employees and manager become unwitting participants in a coercive experiment that challenges the limits of morality.
Anchored by exceptional performances from Ann Dowd and Dreama Walker, Compliance expertly navigates the complexities of human psychology and the chilling effects of blind obedience. The film serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of blindly following orders without questioning their validity. It sheds light on the fine line between compliance and manipulation, leaving viewers questioning their own capacity for succumbing to authority.
Compliance is a thought-provoking and unsettling film that leaves a lasting impact. With its tense atmosphere, superb acting, and thought-provoking themes, this psychological thriller is a must-watch for those who appreciate compelling narratives that challenge societal norms.
Also Known As:
ComplianceRelease Date:
26 Sep 2012Writers:
Craig ZobelAwards:
7 wins & 35 nominations