In the movie Come See the Paradise set in 1936 Los Angeles, viewers are taken on a journey through a little-known aspect of American history. The story follows Jack McGurn, a man who moves to the city and lands a job at a movie theatre in Little Tokyo. While working there, he finds himself falling in love with Lily Kawamura, the daughter of his boss. Their relationship is kept a secret until her father discovers their forbidden love, resulting in Jack's dismissal and a ban on their future meetings.
Undeterred by the obstacles in their path, Jack and Lily decide to escape to Seattle together. However, their happiness is short-lived when World War II breaks out and the authorities decide to incarcerate Japanese immigrants in camps similar to those housing war prisoners. This devastating turn of events forces Jack and Lily to navigate the challenges of living in confinement while trying to protect their love and family.
Come See the Paradise sheds light on the dark chapter of history where Japanese immigrants faced discrimination and internment during wartime. The film delves into themes of love, courage, and resilience as Jack and Lily strive to stay together amid the turmoil of war and injustice. With its compelling storyline and historical relevance, this movie offers a poignant exploration of a little-known period in American history.