In the enchanting movie Come Away (2020), a heartfelt tale unfolds as Peter and Alice, siblings living in a world of imagination, face a tragic loss when their older brother passes away. Devastated by grief, their parents begin to spiral into despair. Determined to save their family, Peter and Alice embark on a courageous adventure to protect their parents from the depths of sorrow.
As their journey unfolds, the siblings are confronted with a difficult choice between their beloved home and the captivating realms of Wonderland and Neverland. This pivotal decision sets the stage for the iconic adventures that Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland are famous for.
Come Away is a heartwarming and fantastical story, filled with breathtaking visuals and captivating storytelling. It transports viewers into the magical world of imagination while delving into themes of family, resilience, and the power of love.
This enchanting film combines elements from classic tales, reimagining the origins of Peter Pan and Alice in an imaginative and fresh way. It is a must-watch for audiences of all ages, offering a captivating escape into a world of wonder and imagination.
Also Known As:
Come AwayRelease Date:
13 Nov 2020Writers:
Marissa Kate GoodhillAwards:
2 wins & 2 nominations