Colony (2016–2018) is a thrilling sci-fi TV series set in a post-alien invasion world. The show revolves around a family's struggle to survive and stay united amidst the chaos that ensues. Set in a dystopian Los Angeles, the series follows Will Bowman, a former FBI agent, and his wife Katie, who decide to fight for their freedom and reunite with their missing son.
As the newly established government, known as the Occupation, tightens its hold on the city, the Bowmans find themselves caught in the middle of a dangerous power struggle. Will reluctantly collaborates with the Occupation to protect his family, but secretly harbors a desire to expose the truth behind the alien invasion and find his son.
With each passing day, the cost of resistance becomes higher, and the family faces unimaginable challenges and moral dilemmas. They must navigate a web of deceit, where alliances and loyalties shift constantly, leaving them unsure whom to trust.
Colony is a gripping series that combines elements of action, suspense, and family drama. It takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as they witness the Bowmans' fight for survival and freedom in this new world order. Will they be able to uncover the mysteries behind the invasion and reclaim their lives? Tune in to find out.
Also Known As:
ColonyRelease Date:
14 Jan 2016Writers:
Ryan J. Condal, Carlton CuseAwards:
5 nominations