Colectiv (2019) is a gripping documentary directed by Alexander Nanau that delves into the dark underbelly of Romania's healthcare system. The film revolves around a dedicated team of investigators from the renowned Romanian newspaper, Gazeta Sporturilor, as they unravel a massive healthcare fraud scandal.
The investigation uncovers a shocking conspiracy that involves influential moguls and politicians, who have been profiting from the dilapidated state of the healthcare system. As a result of their greed and corruption, innocent citizens have tragically lost their lives.
Colectiv captures the tireless efforts of the investigative team as they piece together the puzzle, revealing the shocking extent of the fraud. Nanau's masterful storytelling compels viewers to confront the ruthless reality faced by ordinary people who have been failed by the very system meant to protect them.
The film exposes the rampant corruption prevalent in Romania's healthcare sector, shining a spotlight on the abuse of power and the consequences it inflicts on society. Colectiv also highlights the importance of press freedom and the pivotal role of investigative journalism in holding those in power accountable.
This thought-provoking documentary is a powerful and poignant testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a call for justice. Colectiv is a must-watch for anyone interested in exploring the complex dynamics between power, media, and the fight for truth.
Also Known As:
ColectivRelease Date:
04 Sep 2019Writers:
Alexander Nanau, Antoaneta Opris