In the suspenseful thriller Clinical (2017), a skilled psychiatrist named Dr. Jane Mathis embarks on a journey to reconstruct her life after a brutal assault. Determined to heal both herself and her patients, she takes on a new case involving Alex, a man suffering from severe emotional trauma. However, as Dr. Mathis delves deeper into Alex's troubled past, she begins to unravel a nightmarish and bone-chilling tale that leaves her questioning her own sanity.
As she assists Alex in facing his disturbing memories, Dr. Mathis becomes entangled in a psychological battle, where reality and madness collide. Haunted by her own personal demons, she must confront her deepest fears and navigate the fine line between her patient's torment and her own haunting memories.
Directed by Alistair Legrand, Clinical combines a gripping storyline with intense performances to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film unravels the complexities of trauma and its lingering effects, as well as the dangers of reopening old wounds.
With its eerie atmosphere and heart-stopping twists, Clinical is a psychological thriller that will immerse viewers in a haunting world of fear, suspense, and self-discovery. Don't miss this gripping film that challenges the boundaries of what is real and what lies within the depths of our own minds.
Also Known As:
ClinicalRelease Date:
13 Jan 2017Writers:
Luke Harvis, Alistair Legrand