Class of '83 is a compelling Indian crime drama film streaming on Netflix. The movie centers around a dedicated police officer named Vijay Singh, who is stripped of his active duty due to political influence. Instead, he is appointed as the dean of the police academy. Driven by his desire for justice, Singh takes it upon himself to mentor a group of aspiring young cadets. These cadets form the Class of '83, and they navigate through a series of challenges and complexities.
As the story unfolds, viewers witness the transformation of Singh's trainees from naive individuals to skilled and determined policemen. However, their journey is far from easy. They become entangled in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with corrupt politicians and powerful criminals. The Class of '83 must learn to navigate the murky waters of the police force, where the line between right and wrong often becomes blurred.
Class of '83 is a gripping narrative that sheds light on the corruption and political interference that plagues the Indian police system. With its stellar cast, including Bobby Deol in the lead role, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn. Directed by Atul Sabharwal, the film combines thrilling action sequences with thought-provoking social commentary, ultimately delivering a thought-provoking and intense cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Class of 83Release Date:
21 Aug 2020Writers:
Abhijeet Shirish Deshpande (Writer)