Citizenfour is a gripping documentary that reveals the shocking revelations of Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor turned whistleblower. The film captures the historical events that unfolded when filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill meet Snowden in Hong Kong in 2013.
The documentary begins with Poitras receiving encrypted e-mails from an anonymous source, who reveals himself as CITIZENFOUR and claims to possess evidence of illegal surveillance programs conducted by the NSA and other intelligence agencies. Intrigued and determined to expose the truth, Poitras brings her camera along to capture the unfolding events.
As the film progresses, viewers are provided with a unique window into the tense meetings between Poitras, Greenwald, and MacAskill, as they attempt to verify the authenticity of the evidence and decide how to handle the sensitive information. Snowden's astute observations and unwavering commitment to freedom and privacy shine through, as he explains the extent of government surveillance and the need for public awareness.
Citizenfour sheds light on the implications of mass surveillance for both individuals and society, leaving viewers questioning the balance between national security and personal privacy. With its intimate access to one of the most significant whistleblowers of our time, the film presents a thought-provoking examination of government secrecy and the importance of transparency in the digital age.
Also Known As:
CitizenfourRelease Date:
28 Nov 2014Awards:
Won 1 Oscar. 44 wins & 39 nominations total