Cirkeln is an intriguing Swedish supernatural thriller that delves into the battle against an otherworldly evil in a small town. Set in Sweden, the movie follows the story of six seemingly unrelated girls who are chosen to fight this malevolent force. As they discover their shared destiny, the girls must set aside their differences and unite in order to save themselves and the world.
This gripping film explores themes of friendship, identity, and the power of collective action. As the girls learn to harness their unique abilities, they embark on a thrilling journey filled with danger and unexpected twists. Their ultimate task is to uncover the truth behind the ancient curse plaguing their town and find a way to overcome it.
Cirkeln showcases a diverse cast of talented Swedish actresses, each bringing depth and authenticity to their characters. The film's atmospheric visuals and haunting score create a sense of unease and suspense, drawing viewers deeper into the mysterious world of the story.
With its intriguing premise and engaging plot, Cirkeln is a must-watch for fans of supernatural thrillers. This Swedish gem delivers a captivating story that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, ultimately reminding us of the power we possess when we come together for a greater cause.
Also Known As:
The CircleRelease Date:
18 Feb 2015Writers:
Sara Bergmark Elfgren, Levan Akin, Mats StrandbergAwards:
3 nominations