Cinderela Pop is a modern retelling of the beloved classic fairy tale, Cinderella. The story follows Cintia Dorella, a teenager who is struggling to balance her life as a high school student while dealing with the challenges of her stepmother and stepsisters. Cintia's dream is to become a popular DJ but she feels trapped in her own life, yearning for her father's love and approval.
One day, Cintia's favorite singer, Freddy Prince, announces a contest where the winner will get to go on tour with him. Cintia sees this as her chance to leave her problems behind and pursue her dreams. With the help of her fairy godmother, she transforms into a new persona called Cinderela Pop and enters the competition.
As Cinderela Pop, Cintia catapults to fame and experiences a whirlwind of success and popularity. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about true friendship, staying true to herself, and the importance of family.
This contemporary adaptation of Cinderella brings a fresh and modern twist to the timeless tale. With its catchy music, relatable characters, and messages of empowerment and self-discovery, Cinderela Pop is a heartwarming and inspiring story for audiences of all ages. Get ready to be captivated by the magic and charm of this modern-day Cinderella story.
One day, Cintia's favorite singer, Freddy Prince, announces a contest where the winner will get to go on tour with him. Cintia sees this as her chance to leave her problems behind and pursue her dreams. With the help of her fairy godmother, she transforms into a new persona called Cinderela Pop and enters the competition.
As Cinderela Pop, Cintia catapults to fame and experiences a whirlwind of success and popularity. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about true friendship, staying true to herself, and the importance of family.
This contemporary adaptation of Cinderella brings a fresh and modern twist to the timeless tale. With its catchy music, relatable characters, and messages of empowerment and self-discovery, Cinderela Pop is a heartwarming and inspiring story for audiences of all ages. Get ready to be captivated by the magic and charm of this modern-day Cinderella story.