Chupa (2023) is a heartwarming family adventure film set in Mexico. Teenage protagonist Alex finds himself on an incredible journey when he stumbles upon a young chupacabra hiding in his grandfather's shed. This legendary creature becomes an unlikely companion to Alex, and together, they form a bond that will change their lives forever.
To protect the chupacabra, Alex teams up with his cousins, and the group sets off on an exciting adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns. Along the way, they encounter thrilling challenges, and their friendship becomes a source of strength and determination.
Directed by a talented filmmaker, Chupa captivates its audience with stunning cinematography that showcases the beauty of Mexico's landscapes and culture. The film seamlessly blends humor and heart, creating an engaging and entertaining experience for viewers of all ages.
Chupa is a celebration of family, friendship, and the power of imagination. It emphasizes the importance of embracing the unknown and stepping outside of one's comfort zone. This enchanting film reminds us that extraordinary bonds can be formed in the most unexpected places and that sometimes, the most extraordinary adventures begin right at home.
Prepare to embark on a magical journey with Alex and his newfound chupacabra friend in this heartwarming family film, filled with excitement, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Chupa is an experience that will leave you both entertained and inspired.
Also Known As:
ChupaRelease Date:
07 Apr 2023Writers:
Joe Barnathan, Brendan Bellomo, Sean Kennedy Moore