Experience the heartwarming holiday tale of Christmas Time Is Here (2021), a delightful movie that follows Nia, a realtor in search of the perfect property for Julian's property developer company. Julian becomes captivated by Nia's family-owned inn, managed by her father who is eager to sell and retire. As they navigate the intricacies of the real estate world, Nia and Julian find themselves drawn to each other and discover the true meaning of Christmas.
This heartwarming film takes us on a journey as Nia and Julian uncover the importance of family, traditions, and the spirit of the season. Through their shared experiences and challenges, they discover that love and happiness can be found in unexpected places.
Set against the backdrop of a charming small town during the festive season, Christmas Time Is Here captures the enchantment of the holidays and reminds us of the joy that can be found in coming together. With a blend of romance, humor, and holiday cheer, this film is sure to warm your heart and leave you with a renewed sense of Christmas spirit.
Don't miss out on this delightful holiday movie that reminds us of what truly matters during the Christmas season. Plan a cozy night in, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and let Christmas Time Is Here transport you to a world of love, laughter, and the magic of the holidays.
Also Known As:
Christmas Time Is HereRelease Date:
13 Nov 2021Writers:
Joel Canfield, Lisa Canfield