In the heartwarming holiday film Christmas on Cobbler Street, viewers are introduced to 11-year-old Stine, who finds herself alone on Cobbler Street just before Christmas. Seeking refuge, she crosses paths with Shoemaker Andersen, a reclusive and grumpy old man who is content to live a solitary life. Despite their initial differences, Stine's presence begins to have a profound impact on Andersen, leading to unexpected changes in both of their lives.
As the unlikely pair navigates their newfound friendship, they discover the true meaning of Christmas and the power of connection. Through heartwarming moments and poignant lessons, Christmas on Cobbler Street delivers a message of hope, love, and the importance of human connection during the holiday season.
With a blend of humor, emotion, and touching moments, this film is sure to warm the hearts of viewers of all ages. Experience the magic of Christmas on Cobbler Street and join Stine and Andersen on a journey of friendship, redemption, and newfound joy in this enchanting holiday tale.
Also Known As:
Christmas on Cobbler StreetRelease Date:
10 Nov 2023Writers:
Maren Skolem