Christian is a captivating and thought-provoking drama series set in a desolate neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome. The story revolves around the enigmatic protagonist, Christian, who possesses an extraordinary ability to heal people with just a touch of his hands. As news of his miraculous power spreads, Christian finds himself thrust into the spotlight, becoming a beacon of hope for those seeking healing and redemption.
The series explores the consequences of Christian's newfound gift as he navigates the complexities of fame, faith, and human frailty. Amidst skepticism and doubt, Christian grapples with the weight of his responsibility and the moral implications of his remarkable ability. As his legend grows, Christian attracts a diverse array of characters, each with their own motivations and desires, all seeking a miracle of their own.
With its stunning cinematography and atmospheric setting, Christian delves into the depths of human nature, raising compelling questions about belief, miracles, and the nature of true healing. Through its intricate storytelling and nuanced performances, the series challenges viewers to examine their own faith and the profound impact one person can have on the lives of many.
Discover the extraordinary journey of Christian as he confronts his own inner demons while offering solace and redemption to those who cross his path. Immerse yourself in this gripping exploration of faith, hope, and the enduring power of the human spirit.
Also Known As:
ChristianRelease Date:
28 Jan 2022Writers:
Enrico Audenino, Valerio Cilio, Roberto Cinardi