Chopper is a gripping and intense crime drama that brings to life the story of Mark Chopper Read, a notorious criminal who achieved fame through his autobiography, From the Inside. Serving a prison sentence, Chopper embarks on writing his book whilst behind bars. The film is based on this autobiographical work, which became a best-seller.
Director Andrew Dominik masterfully crafts a thrilling narrative that delves into the mind of this infamous figure. The movie showcases Chopper's complex persona – a volatile combination of violence, charm, and dark humor. Through a series of captivating sequences, the audience is presented with Chopper's tumultuous journey through the criminal underworld.
Featuring a standout performance by Eric Bana, Chopper vividly brings the character to life, ensuring viewers are captivated by his menacing charisma. The film is complete with an authentic and gritty aesthetic, immersing the audience into the harsh reality of Melbourne's criminal landscape.
Chopper provides a compelling exploration of the human psyche, compelling viewers to ponder the motivations behind criminal behavior. With a gripping narrative and outstanding performances, this crime drama is not to be missed.
Also Known As:
ChopperRelease Date:
03 Aug 2000Writers:
Mark Brandon Read, Andrew DominikAwards:
12 wins & 14 nominations