In Chime, a gripping thriller set in 2024, we follow a school teacher whose life is turned upside down by a mysterious sound that haunts him. This eerie noise disrupts his daily routine, causing him to unravel in fear and anxiety as he tries to uncover the source of the disturbance. As the teacher delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers dark secrets lurking beneath the surface of his seemingly ordinary existence.
Filled with tension and suspense, Chime explores themes of fear, obsession, and the fragile line between reality and paranoia. As the teacher's journey unfolds, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride that will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very end. With its compelling storyline and dynamic performances, Chime is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers looking for a riveting and thought-provoking viewing experience.
Also Known As:
ChimeRelease Date:
19 Feb 2024Writers:
Kiyoshi Kurosawa